10x10 Canopy

10x10 Canopy

    • Actual Size: 10x10
    • Setup Area: 20x20
    • Outlets: 0
    • Age Group: any age

    • $79.00
    • Add to Cart

10 ft by 10 ft Canopy Tent Rentals

Here's an EZ solution for staying cooler in the hot sun or out of the rain.. One 6' or 8' table will fit with 6 to 8 people seated. Our 10 x 10, E-Z UP styled canopy can be used for your party, yard sale, ticket sales, flea markets or anywhere you need a nice shaded area. This canopy tent rental provides quick shelter from the elements.

© 2020 Funtastix™ 302-661-1-FUN (386) Wilmington DE 

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